Thursday, May 31, 2012


I have felt such an abundance of peace, joy, and appreciation over the last two days.  Again, our perfect Heavenly Father knows exactly what we each need, and He continues to abundantly provide.  I am in the presence of such spiritual beauty - it is almost overwhelming.  I've had some of the most authentic conversations I've ever had as well as a sought-after growing intimacy with the Lord.  Our team is complete now, 12 women, wholeheartedly seeking the Lord in all that we do to bring glory to Him.  I've been able to connect with one of the woman, a college graduate fresh out of school, and it's been so amazing to see how God is developing a friendship that is so inspiring and encouraging. 

Today I was able to spend longer periods of time teaching and sharing with the kids, which is amazing! I love sharing their pictures with them from 2009 and 2010.  I felt like I had let the kids and teachers down last year by not returning.  I didn't want to be just another Muzungu with a fleeting passion for what's right in front of me, but instead a vested friend, sister in Christ, and a teacher who loves them genuinely and is dedicated to them. My returning feels like redemption and a restored joy - I feel so selfish even sharing these thoughts, but my heart has been rejoicing as I have been able to reconnect with both the teachers and students.  My staff position with Kenya Children's Fund is to advocate for the teachers, and best serve them, which is exactly what I have been able to do.  Relationships have been built and are being nourished.  How did He choose me to do this?  I fall on my face in praise for Him.

Please continue to cover us in prayer.  We appreciate it - they are absolutely felt!   Spiritual, physical and emotional health are our top requests, as well as God's will to be done in Dandora!  We pray that the children continue to be a light and to be game-changers!!  I have to specific children that I am praying for - Kilbe and Peter - they both have severe special needs.  It breaks my heart to see them not be able to read or write, but I trust God's plan for each of them.  I know that school is serving as a light for them, a fortress of safety and protection that is constantly showering them in God's rich love. 

I praise Him for strength, wisdom, the Spirit's overwhelming presence, the children, my rock and my Salvation - Jesus Christ, the amazing family and friends that are supporting me, provisions, protection, and your encouragement.  Your words mean so much to me. 

Here is the link for my facebook album if you can't see it/you are resisting facebook :) 

Love you all! 

In Him, Jen

1 comment:

  1. :+}}}}}love and miss you jennifer and as always you make me proud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
