Saturday, June 2, 2012

KCF Academic Committee Refreshes the Saints

I serve as the Educational Consultant for Kenya Children's Fund and on the Academic Committee. It is such an honor to be able to serve in such an authentic ministry that is led by God and for His glory alone! I have been writing for KCF ( since 2009 after God stole my heart and gave it to Africa then.

Currently I am assisting Ginger in her CEO blog. Today I wrote about the Academic Committee, a short blurb for our donors as to the mission of our trip and the vision for a collaborative future. You can read it here or see below!

May/June 2012:  The Kenya Children's Fund Academic Committee has been collaborating with the teachers of the Kinyago Dandora Sschool to support them in the areas of special education and continued best practices including differentiated instruction and incorporating music into the classroom.   

Teachers are called not only to teach, but to love, support, parent, gracefully discipline, encourage, comfort, and serve the kids with their whole beings.  For the teachers to best serve the students, we know that the teachers themselves need to be poured into so that they can continue to pour out to their students.  The teachers have welcomed the committee graciously, opened their hearts for cross-cultural relationships, exposing vulnerabilities and challenges while sharing the love of God which is exhibited through their dedication to the students and their continued learning.

Lin Peterson, a special education teacher from Minneapolis, joined the team this year to bring creative and effective teaching methods to reach students with special needs.  She, alongside with other committee members,  have been instrumental in delivering small group instruction to students as well as support and expertise in the area of student disabilities to the staff.  The teachers are hungry for knowledge and so receptive as they engage in dialogue to better themselves as educators.  Together, the staff and the academic committee have committed to an environment of mutual collaboration. 

We all look forward to continuing the partnership based on love and dedication to the future of Africa!    For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you. (Philemon 1:7 ESV) He who refreshes others is also refreshed - Proverbs 11:25 - In my next post, I plan to share my heart's journey through our growing relationship with the teachers!

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